
Raise Money for Your Organization with FUNDecks! Get Your FunFunds!

FunFunds are monies received from fundraising with FUNDecks.

Selling FUNDecks is a great way to raise funds for your organization. A big part of our marketing is to Schools, Sports Teams, Charities, Benefits, Churches and other types of fundraisers. FUNDecks are used by hundreds of people to raise thousands of dollars for their causes.

Hands-On Program

  • If you qualify, we will consign the product to you.

  • We supply you with marketing templates and product information.

  • You manage your fundraising campaign including sales and delivery.

  • We back you up with 100% product support.

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How Do FunFunds Work?

People buy the decks because of the savings.

The card deals out up to $10 off of the best local restaurants around or other special deals from local fun spots. It’s up to $2,000 or more value.

With our no-risk consignment program, there are no products to purchase, no up-front investment, and no chance of financial loss. Fundraisers keep up to $10 for each deck sold.

We take all the risks!

Or you can buy a package and make even more money. You can make up to $15 a deck.